
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Motherhood - you win some, you lose some: Moments at the annual physical

It's that time again to do the kids annual physical.

My genius self figured that having the kids' physicals done at the same time would save time. I didn't account for the stress I would be under and/or the feelings that the boy would have about it. It seemed simple enough - get to the doctor; get them seen & then head back to work. Yeah, not so much. The girl complained each time my attention was on the boy, and the boy, well he was so worried about being "naked" with strangers, that he was asking billions of question every 2 seconds. One particular conversation went something like this:

E: Mom do I take EVERYTHING off?!?

Me: No, just down to your underwear. (while I dig for my keys- then realize I don't need them)

E: What!? Aw man why?

Me: To make sure you are growing well and nothing is poking out weird. (while C wants juice/milk/water.. i don't really know at this moment because i am also driving)

E: Will she take my marker out? ("marker" is his birth mark located in his buttocks and looks like our CX-9)

Me: No, but she will need to look to make sure it's okay and not too big.

E: Oh.. but she has to look at my privates too?

Me: Yes.

E: Oh mannnn.. will she have to touch it?

Me: Really trying not to laugh and also trying to calm C down... Yes a little just to make sure it's okay.

E: Ohhhhh....mann.. but can't I just tell it's okay?

Me: Sure, but she will still need to look at it to make sure, because she is the doctor and she will know if it's okay..

E: oh..ahh.. what about my butt?

Me: Maybe... (C stop that I can't hear your brother I can't concentrate on driving).

E: Mom... Mom.. ..ah... remember I used the bathroom earlier.. (this part we were already on the doctor's office inside waiting to be examined).

Me:yeah.. ah huh.. wait.. okay.. what honey? .. distracted because I was down on the floor reach for the crackers that feel and at the same time giving C her demanded stickers.

E: I forgot to wipe...

Me: What!?! what do you mean you forgot to wipe!?!

E: (embarrassed now) Yeah.. I just remembered 'cause I smell funny..

Me: OMG! you're kidding me right? trying really hard not to kill my kid, embarrassed him and me in the process..and how did I miss that? oh geez....

E: yeah.. what do you think we should do? (Son if you read this in 10 years time.. please remember what your mother had to do for you..LOL).. yeah I am not going to write in detail what needed to be done here, you get the picture.

I don't quite know how I survived but needless to say both kids are relatively healthy. C is 26.6 lbs and 31 inches tall (woohoo!) Evan.. Average for his Ht but 90th percentile with Wt! Yeah.. that is one of the reasons I started the bento lunches, and karate classes. Of course it becomes more serious when the doctor tells you this and even encourage you to take even seriously. So, I drove out thinking what could I do to improve the heath of my child? I was so focused on the what.. and also trying to figure out lunch for them and me as I need to get back to work soon.

1 hour later... looking at my drink I realize I could have done better than Chic' Fil A for lunch for me and the kids.. Oh geez! I had one of those guilty moments. I have been focused on one child and her needs and feel that I have neglected the other. Is that why he is overweight? Is that why his "marker" needs to be seen by a dermatologist?? I can't help feeling that I failed again as a parent. I know, I know, I am my worst critic but sometimes I can't help but feel that I am not doing enough, not paying attention enough, not super-mommy -- maybe tomorrow I will win my motherhood badge back ;-p.

Cheers, Cherylle

Waiting for the doctor
Still waiting and now naked and


Destini said...

Double appointments are super stressful - it is so hard to listen to the doctors with the "little one" running crazy! You're a great mom, don't sweat it! Sounds like you have a plan with the bento boxes and karate! If you have a Wii, a Wii Motion is nice to keep the kids moving too! Maybe just carry some extra wet wipes in case of butt wiping emergency!

Alex said...

OMG!!! You made me laugh so hard with the whole wiping thing I think I almost peed!!! LOL!!!
Man I miss hanging out with you guys!

Greene Family said...

I'm cracking up over your and Evan's conversations! What a character! After one or two double appointments with the boys, I realized it is so much easier for me to just make their appointments a week apart (helps to keep me from turning into crazy mommy). :) You are a great mom, and the bento boxes and karate sound like a great plan!