
Friday, August 13, 2010

First day of school X2

OMG! I dreaded this moment! Not because of the event but the work, the stress level and the "what ifs" moments. So yeah, first day of school.. the plan was to first drop off the boy then the girl. The boy starts at 815 and the girl at 840. Seems doable, but with cross town traffic? Yikes! I can do this. I have done, wait! This is X2! More pep talk with my self and constant grunting towards Mikey to stop checking other people's tweets while driving or responding to text or what not..biggest irritation of mine..can you tell? but that is for another post.

So, I wasn't worried about the boy. He has after all done this before and with a new school what could go wrong? Right? Oh boy, the traffic mess was from hell. Thank goodness certain timing worked out that Mikey was able to help. While at a traffic light turning left to the school destination, the boy and I got out of the car to dodge traffic and walk up the hill to school, leaving Mikey to fight to find parking if that was possible. We were not alone in this madness. We didn't check what classroom he was suppose to be the day before, and I completely forgot the layout of the school. Evan and I were slightly lost looking for Rm 105. A teacher tried to help and tell us to try to go this way and that but all the exterior doors were locked! Urgh! Finally found it. He was late for a good 10 minutes. The teacher was kind enough to allow this poor mother to take a few pictures of her son as he tried to settle in to his new school/classroom.

Round 2.. am I ready? Well I better be because the girl was super excited. While she sang "it's Caity's turn" in the back of the car, we dodge and weave out of West Creek Academy traffic hell into a 20 minute commute to her school location. I was eager to at least see the bus loading area in the hopes of catching Bus #5.

The bus was there! Awesome! (oh please let it be there).. now the Director of Transportation did say he will only call if the seat did not arrive or he had problems with it. He didn't call so.... it must have arrived overnight? Right?

With much relief it was there! Woohoo! It was prefect! Being the mad woman that I am, I had to follow that bus once she was out of school, but other than that it was a good day Times 2 :-) I have created an album on Facebook that has both their pictures during thisr transition, but I leave you with a picture of Caits in the "car" seat specific for her traveling needs, as a follow up from my last note.

Now off to complete the same forms that I have completed before they started school ...AGAIN! Can't our school go on-line system? Urgh!

It was worth talking with the Director of Transportation.. It was a perfect fit for my Caits..


Unknown said...

It's just plain nuts getting 2 or more kids ready for school! At least mine start at the same time now and at the same school. You got through it and Caits looked happy as a clam and beautiful as always!

Melissa Swartley said...

Oh how I am dreading the two separate schools thing this year! Not only do my two older girls have two different schools, they have two different buses at two different bus stops with pick ups and drop offs at the SAME TIME! Where is the cloning machine when you need one?! At least I don't have to battle traffic though, but I will be getting my exercise running down the street to catch the buses! LOL! Glad to hear you survived!!! I love the car seat for Caits! She looks so proud and excited!!! I will definitely keep the link filed away for when it's Sonya's turn!

Caden and Mommy said...

Craziness! Maybe its a good thing I only have one kid. I am so happy to hear Caits was excited for school, so cute! We have an appointment with the bus garage tomorrow to make sure Caden fits in the seat correctly. Thank you so much for your posts!!! I will print out the harness info to take with me.

Greene Family said...

Wow - what a crazy morning, but happy it all worked out with getting both kids to school on their first day! Caits does look so excited and super cute in that picture! Thanks for the harness info!